Prime Time Asparagus Quiche
Make a delicious quiche using delicious asparagus from Prime Time Produce
- 1 1/4 cups flour all-purpose
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 6 tbsp unsalted butter cold and cut into1⁄2-inch cubes
- 3 1/2 tbsp ice water
- 1 lb Prime Time Asparagus fresh spears, cleaned and cut into 3⁄4-inch pieces(2-21⁄2 cups)
- 10 cherry tomatoes sliced in half
- 3 tbs unsalted butter
- 1/2 tsp curry powder
- 1/8 tsp ground cayenne pepper
- 1 cup chopped onions
- 4 large eggs
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1 tsp salt
- 5 oz shredded Monterey Jack cheese (1 1⁄4 cups)
- Basil or Thyme garnish (if desired)
- Combine flour and salt in a food processor bowl with steel blade andblend for 8 seconds (or whisk together in a large bowl). Cut in butter bypulsing 8 times with food processor (or use a pastry cutter), until mixtureresembles coarse meal. Do not over blend.
- Add water and mix just until dough comes together. Put dough in a plastic bag and chill 30 minutes.
- Roll on a lightly floured board and fit pastry into an 11-inch tart pan withremovable bottom. Chill until ready to fill.
- Blanch Prime Time Asparagus for 4-5 minutes in boiling water, cool in icewater, drain, and set aside.
- Melt butter in a small sauté-pan over medium heat. Add curry andcayenne pepper; cook one minute. Sauté onion in curry butter until softand most of the moisture has evaporated; set aside to cool.
- In a small bowl beat, eggs, milk, and salt.
- Preheat oven to 375°F. Sprinkle cheese into chilled pastry shell. Spreadonion mixture, cherry tomatoes, and Prime Time Asparagus over thecheese. Pour egg mixture over the top. Bake 30-35 minutes or untilcustard is set and golden. Garnish with your favorite herb, if desired.